Monthly Archives: November 2012

Give thanks, and other rambly-ness


“We ought to give thanks for all fortune: if it is “good,” because is it good, if “bad” because it works in us patience, humility, and the contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country.”

-C. S. Lewis

Most of y’all that might be checking in on this blog (thank you so very much!) probably already read this on my Facebook status! Ha. But I’ve been thinking about it a tad more this evening and felt like I wanted to expound.  (What is it about this “official” holiday so powerful that it projects everyone into the neighborhood where “give thanks” is on every street sign and “I feel thankful” is written on everyone’s T-shirts?)

I feel thankful. Simply, truthfully, sincerely.

In some moments, however… I may not act thankful even if I muster up enough energy to list at least 5 appreciated things when asked.  I can easily spout off a list of 50 things right now that I am deeply grateful for (my kind of fun actually–I love making lists, and that would be one of the most therapeutic kind!).  But have I really GIVEN thanks?

Having gratitude, being thankful, etcetera, etcetera, well it takes a bit of responsibility, I think. Responsibility to look for the “good” in life, in all situations, in challenges, and in that daily grind; responsibility to understand or cope with or learn to heal from the “bad” (or hard stuff).

Being responsible or “having an obligation to do something” can be motivating in its own way, sure.  Fulfilling an obligation is well, fulfilling!  Gosh, when I finish that stack of dishes and wipe every last crumb off my counter I just feel super. Hehe, no really, I’m serious! When my life feels out of control, I make a mad dash to my kitchen and grab a dirty dish or two.  I guess, then, gratitude is not a mere whimsical feeling to be felt on Thanksgiving day. It’s action. Action to fulfill such a divine duty to be thankful. I can feel it, even say it, but I’ve got to do somethin’ about it. And when I do? Well, I feel just super.  Maybe even better than a cleaned kitchen.

So, in my random thoughts tonight in wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving…  I’m gonna try to really give thanks. I’m gonna try to live thankful!  How? For starters, I will hug these two precious dears a little bit tighter tonight.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

A Month In Review


Yes, it has been forever and a day!  I keep thinking I will be a great blogger, ha ha, so let’s try this again, shall we?!

The last month whizzed by speedy fast like a blurred landscape seen through a train window!  Really!  It was a bittersweet-ly wonderful, crazily-fun, month-long visit to my parents (yay!) while Jake had a super long business trip (boo).

The photographer (me) shed a tear or two: good bye in the airport


Note: The image of me wearing Hannah in the sling with her chubby legs dangling, carrying an overstuffed backpack on my back, hauling Pepper in a carry-on mesh bag on one hand, and pushing a cart of luggage and car seat with the other hand was quite the sight at the airport… wouldn’t you think?  Thank the heavens above (truly) that both these babies are content and sweet spirited, otherwise I think I would have sworn off traveling altogether.  Pepper didn’t make a peep during the flight or ever, poor scared dog.  And sweet little Hannah wooed everyone with her smiles and red hair. —Have you ever traveled with a pet? On a plane? Yikes. 


Good for my soul: breathing in cool, NON-humid Utah air and taking in the beauty of the much-missed mountains!!



Good for my heart: spending so much time with beloved family!

Note: My Momma is pretty much my best friend and I hope to be as amazing as her one day.  Below: Aren’t these cousins the cutest lot?! We had quite the crazy fun cousin photo shoot in Idaho visiting my big sis. This part of our month visit falls into the crazy-scary category due to some health challenges with the big sis, but timing was an important factor. I’m so grateful we were there to help and her recover is going well!!

Heart full of gratitude: to Jake’s amazing fam who took time out to spoil their granddaughter (and me) SEVERAL weekends in a row!


Fall festivities: our little pumpkin flower, growing up so fast!



Good people: also good for the heart–catching up with missed friends

Side note: Fun catch up moments with good friends and their cute kiddos was fantastic! Sad reality, however, that I didn’t get to see everyone I had hoped to (you’d think with a month there I would have accomplished everything on my list, right?), so if you are one of those dear friends of mine reading this long post and didn’t get a visit from us in Utah… know that I would have loved to have a long chat! Next time… (crossed fingers)

Ps, Miss Hannah LOVED the zoo!  And this sweet, adorable little friend!

Safe return: beloved Daddy back to us at last!! This sweet pumpkin couldn’t have been more happy to see him!


Thank you dear family, friends, and Utah! We hope to come again soon!