Monthly Archives: July 2013

July Fun


Here’s a bit lighter post fun-filled with what we’ve been up to this month. So if you happen to care, you’re in for a photo ride!


Yeah we don’t look related, but oh how I love this fair-skinned red head!



Adorably tuckered out after a fun day at Seven Peaks!


My cute paternal grandparents… fantastic examples of patriotism!


Got the wrong kind of chocolate, I think. These are the few good ones.


I slept through all the fireworks. Yipee! Happy 4th!


My big sis might curse me for posting this picture (she has a thing about head-sizes) but I had to post our cute faces AND head sizes. 🙂 


Sweet moment. Her cousins are all so good to her!


Fun at Living Planet Aquarium!



My cute parents at the lodge!




Yah, so my mom is a worry-wart and dresses me so I can hardly move.


It was a fun, crazy, a little wet trip… but Hannah couldn’t get enough dirt and cousins.


Shhh! We found the dog food. Don’t tell!


Mission impossible theme music?




Pulling a crusty face, but really enjoying this perfect spot to throw from the gooey mud!


So much fun at Airbone! Sorry they are pretty blurry!Image






Cutest buddies ever!



Enjoying Daddy while we have him for a few short weeks!


“Hug” one of her many new words that keep popping out of her cute little mouth. She loves to hug everything–including my hand wrapped in a “blankie”.



Well folks, I’ve been super moody lately.  Just ask my loved ones—they would probably nod apologetically or raise eyebrow of caution and advise to steer clear.  Who knows! but my patience has been a bit harder to reach, and I’m real sorry to those who have felt the pains from me trying to hold it together! (weak smile)

We can blame it on being a woman and all those fun hormones that come with it, but fear not—this is no diatribe about the “unfairness” of our gender. I like being a girl.  And “fairness” honestly is not a noun to be entertained in this life, is it?

Sometimes you just feel moody! Sometimes you drop the amazing meal that took hours of preparation right onto the dirty floor, ruining half of it. Sometimes you are stuck in horrible traffic when you’re in a hurry.  Sometimes you get in car accidents with light poles (don’t ask. it was a long time ago.).  Sometimes it rains on your camping trip and soaks all your stuff.  Sometimes fun family vacations have to be delayed.  Sometimes you get the flu during an urgent deadline to finish a Masters degree before your probation period runs out. Sometimes you have to completely cancel the fun family vacation because of that urgent deadline and then you get stuck catching the stomach flu anyway.

Sometimes tragedy is an all-too common visitor. Sometimes lives are cut short. Sometimes cruelty is all some people ever know. Sometimes people break both feet right before summer. Sometimes people lose feet. Or arms. Or limbs.

Sometimes things just happen that don’t make sense from our minuscule lens of perspective.

There are so many sometimes that sometimes happen to everyone.

Sometimes, but really most of the time… Life is a challenge.

I don’t have answers to the whys out there. I’m grateful for the internal peace and understanding I’ve found through my faith.  And to add to that, I know that sometimes is only sometimes. It’s not all-the-time. Because today? Well, we’re not feeling so moody.

A Jaunt Down Memory Lane


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I had a wonderful childhood, and for that I am super grateful.

A few weeks ago I went to a wedding shower of a good friend I grew up with. Revisiting that neighborhood brought back such a flood of good memories from my youth (doesn’t that make me sound ancient, ha ha).

Ten years ago my parents moved a short 25 minutes south of the Salt Lake suburbia where I lived for 19 years of my life.  I will always love that house and our dated, brown carpet that outlived Beanie Babies.  Our willow tree in the backyard will forever be crowned the ultimate climbing tree ever. Southwood Park will always have the coolest swings, our cul-de-sac is still probably the best place for night games in the neighborhood, and I can’t forget the “hill” we’d have races down on roller blades.  What sweet reminders of how simple life can be.

Today I attended church in that neighborhood. It felt like going home. I sat comfortably looking around at the people who were still in the congregation; children grown up, the elderly looking more elderly, some exactly the same, and kids I babysat not-so-much kids anymore. I wanted to reach out and hug all those who helped raise me, teach me, love me, and look out for me.  It gave me a bit of strength seeing them carrying on as they did all those years ago, I’m sure dealing with their fair share of challenges and heartache, but confronting such with courage and faith.

Regardless of where I might live, sweet memories will not be soon forgotten, and those good people will be woven into my life forever.

I sometimes complicate life… honestly without realizing it until a reminder like this comes along. It’s nice to have a little wake-up call to the sacredness of simplicity and the goodness that can be found everywhere.

So carry on, y’all. And thank you for being a part of my life.