Monthly Archives: August 2013

Hello, I Drop Things


It’s like art, right?

I drop things. I just do. Some people call it “endearing” (thanks Mom and Dad who will always love me) while others might call it “butterfingers”.  Sigh. I think I’ve been dropping things forever.  If I could only blame such klutziness on the “pregnancy brain syndrome” than never has left me.  Ha ha. Maybe I really did catch a slippery-finger-absent-minded disease maybe? But honestly dropping things did start long before then!

My poor high school teachers probably wanted to curse the amount of pencils I unintentionally dropped during class.  And my sweet down-stairs neighbors in our sweet Provo apartment! Oh, I still feel so bad!  Even when I tried hard, spoons or measuring cups would inevitably escape my grip and crash to the floor.  I can, however, proudly say I never dropped dishes!  Well, all right, at least onto the floor. They “slipped” loudly into the sink a few times. Washing dishes is just noisey, isn’t it?! I kind of like the loud clinks and clatter.

Ok, but I have broken a few mugs.  And maybe one iPod screen. And just a few thousand scratches on a cell phone.  I think I’ve dropped my laptop in its case thank goodness but shhhh, we don’t really want to admit that one.

I’ve joked about getting a T-shirt to warn people: Hello, my name is Sabra and I drop things. Smiley face.  But seriously, my musings about this “endearing” flaw have led me to wonder WHY.  Cuz I don’t know, sometimes it just really bugs me!  Why do I drop things, people?!!  Am I normal? Or do I really have some “slippery-fingers” sickness?

I think I’ve narrowed it down to a few reasons.


Hi there spilled flour.

I am one of those annoying people who rush around like a mad woman when I’m in a hurry.  I hate being late, you know. This is probably reason #1 for dropping things. My cell phone does have a nice sturdy break-proof case, I assure you! Maybe I should slow down, you say?

Reason #2 Probably too much buzzing around inside my head. Thinking about a bazillion, gazillion things all at once. Women’s brains are wired with such amazing complexity that we just can’t help but think about everything all at once, right?  I mean really! How can I not think about that load of laundry (wait, that usually gets forgotten…), what to fix for dinner, how my face is getting attacked by hormones, don’t forget to feed the dog, Hannah needs something awesome to do this afternoon, I wonder what comes in the next chapter of Fablehaven? and oh what to do about that lesson to teach on Sunday…

Well. Before you know I’ve spilled my water bottle and broke the lid.

It was a cheap water bottle, anyway.

Reason #3 Trying to do a bazillion, gazillion things at the same time.  Multi-tasker is part of my gender, after all!  Can I use that as an excuse? Ha ha.  C’mon, I can’t be alone in the moments of holding twenty-five things in one hand while holding a toddler in the other, am I?  Who wants to make trip after trip down the stairs when you can do it one? (Don’t worry, I only dropped the game cards, strewn so beautiful down the stairs in the pic above. Pretty, wouldn’t you say?)

At least I think I know what to work on.  And it’s fine. Really, I’m honestly not super worried about my awesome characteristic of sometimes dropping things.  I’m human and I have weaknesses (maybe that sounds better on a T-shirt?). Life might be boring without them. This one, I’m okay laughing about. 🙂  Thus onward I will go, hopefully dropping a few less things today than the day before.