Monthly Archives: February 2013

What’s for Dinner?



I’ve never been the best meal-planner… Except for in college when bagel sandwiches, string cheese, and apples were always on the menu. Teehee.

Honestly, I’m not that unique am I? Heading to the store with my nice, little list of “usual” foods we consume and make that all work for the week.  Something off the list will most likely pop itself in the cart to add some spontaneous dinner inspiration.  I do like trying new recipes–mainly to add variety & keep that excitement alive in the kitchen (har har)–but these are usually discovered 5 minutes before it’s time to make dinner.  I try to throw my pantry supplies together to produce wonderful somethings and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

So anyhoo! Here’s to improvement!!! I’m determined to plan better! To be more organized! To save mulah on the grocery bill! To use up everything! To waste zero food! To be an amazing chef! (Ok, scratch the last one, I’m not that determined.)

I’ve gotta find the right system. These little post-its are doing the job right now, but yeah it’s a little tacky. I haven’t wrapped my head around a month-long planning system, but that’s my goal, people: super-organized meal plans, super-planned shopping trips knowing all the awesome sales and saving loads of money. Haha. Well, I can hope and try!


I’m super visual so I need something right in my face. (Can’t make the phone calendars work for me. Nope.)  I love this chalkboard all color-coded and want to get my hand on a smaller version of something like that . Or a white board with pre-printed menu cards. Funnnn.

What works for you?

Side note, we are really good at eating up leftovers and I do my best not to waste food. I recently attended an informative workshop at church where I learned how to store certain food to help them last longer.  Brilliant! It has spurred many google searches since then, and I like this article with a few more helpful tips. I’ve already tried several things with success (collards green wrapped in paper towels haven’t wilted in a week). Hurrah! So, here we go!

Winter BBQ


Two weekends ago we went up to visit our friends, family and horses! I’m still in awe at the reality and warmth of a February BBQ!  It was just lovely.


In addition to the Weirich farm animals (goats, pigs, chickens, horses–all equals “Hannah heaven”), there was a plethora of dogs to join the party (seven total in attendance)!  I was busying keeping Hannah from leaping out of my arms to smother all these animals, otherwise you’d see more pictures.




Hannah’s first real horse ride went awesome. She loved every second of it, as did her Daddy. I was only a little nervous. 🙂




Yeeehaw! Do we pass as a country western family or what?! I guess we’re missing our cowboy hats, but hats off anyway to many more fun get togethers and horse adventures!

Valentine’s & Pics: Big or Small?


Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! Hope it was full of love & laughter and lots of chocolate!

We had a nice casual day. I wanted to try this idea from Pinterest with little miss Hannah.  She didn’t quite get the hang of it on her own; the paper was much too fascinating than the t.p. roll… but it was a fun sensory experience overall.


So, now for picture-posting help!!!  Whenever I post pictures on here, I never know if I should leave them the full size, or half size them, or what. Opinions please! Leave it FULL size like above ^^.

Or medium-ish?


Or even smaller and sometimes in a row (of different pix of course)?


Smaller? Bigger? Somewhere in the middle? For the sake of appearance, I’d like to stay consistent. Help? Anyone?