Category Archives: Family

“Happa Birfday” Junior!


That’s how you say in Hannah-ian.

С днём рождения! [s DNYOM razh-DYE-nee-ya] is how you say it in Russian!

We celebrated Mr. E’s birthday on Saturday–my Valentine’s baby!  I thought about attempting a traditional Russian birthday meal (that I googled) which would involve fish (pickled or smoked), and perhaps a potato and beet salads. And these fried dumplings call pirozhkis frequently make appearances at a birthday parties, too. They are generally filled with meat, cabbage, cheese, potatoes or eggs. But no. Maybe next year.

The celebrating was pretty low-key. Unfortunately we have each taken a turn with the fevery-flu thing going around and hit Jake that day. Earlier in the week we had at last moved into our house (shout hoooooray!!), and even received our air shipment (another hooray!)!  Soooo, Eli’s special day was pretty lazy..  He wasn’t too upset about it, but turning 1 is still a big deal and at least grants some definite reflection the momma’s part. Thus, this post is to him and probably will drip of sappy sentiment. Read on if you’re into that kind of thing. 😉

eli bday cake

Well, no we didn’t have matches. Whoops. Fail.

eli bday cake 2

Hmm, what do I with this?

eli bday cake 3

Stuff my face, got it!

eli bday cake 4

Sweet? Seriously?


eli bday


Dear Junior (your sometimes nickname),

Happy birthday, buddy!

Well, wow! Your three hundred and sixty-five days of life have just whizzed by. In some ways. Are you really 1??

In other ways SO MUCH has happened in your tiny year on this earth it’s almost a challenge to digest.  The day you came was very, very anticipated and FULL of hope, a little fear, and a whole lotta faith and prayer.

IMG_3209 When I think back to the first few weeks of your life, my heart gets all bursty-feeling and my throat gets all lumpy-ish and I’m just a big mooshy pile of emotion.  Whew. You went through a lot for a little guy and oh it’s a wonderful thing you won’t remember it!  You had amazing nurses, you had amazing doctors, and you had (still have) amazing family and friends and angels supporting you (and supporting Mommy and Daddy!) and sending up prayers.  Maybe one day we will know why you were sent to us with a tumor. I hope so.  The skilled surgeons did SUCH a fantastic job and I will try forever to thank them. Your recovery, though difficult to endure (tears at your poor swollen face!), was incredible.

Ps, You better love your cute bum-scar because it’s a pretty awesome battle wound.  Just don’t get all funny-boy-humor-weirdo on us and show it off to your friends when you are older, k?  I will figure out a way to staple your pants on, count on it buddy.

IMG_3219IMG_3247You have put your mom and dad (and all your supportive, sweet loved ones) on a roller coaster ride of worry with your health you precious thing. Couldn’t you have come with an extensive manual of “This is What My Insides Look Like: What to Do Now” or “Definition of Cries Numbers 1-210”. (A “How to Get Me to Sleep. Period.” guide would also be greatly appreciated!)

But I am astounded, humbled and all sorts of thankful to be your mom and witness the amazing little miracle you are, and really how healthy you are, too. We treasure every ounce of your 22 (ish) pounds! (sap sap sappyyyy.)

A few specifics that seem simple but are kind of a big deal:

Your legs wiggle (Ohhhh do they wiggle.)

You can crawl (everywhere).

You can go potty (I mean really, you can. Eeeeeven though we go thru triple the amount of diapers a typical baby might go thru. Oh the diaper rash!)

Your appetite is fantastic (victory, victory! SERIOUSLY). Your favorite thing to eat is paper, but you also love anything I am eating.  We are in love with your food sounds–“umm aumm yum num”. Thank goodness spit up is a thing of the past!

You are standing on your own here and there–you are so so so close!

You have been infection-free (from UTIs) for six months!  (even though we’ve had a few scares and sleepless nights thinking you had one or two.)

My body won’t ever be the same (thanks to your 8.9 lbs) but it was so worth it.  You are a happy, (loud), smiley, busy busy busy, giggly, momma’s boy who bonks his head on everything, loves to get into all things and actually is rather cuddly lately (hm, or clingy?!). The discovery of climbing is well in force (payback, right Grandma?) and boy you’ve got the giggles when you make it to the top of the stairs.

Your singing voice is adorable–like an “ah ah ah” kind-of yelling voice that might bother everyone else (sorry neighbors) and you even try to wave your arms like the choir conductor during church (also adorable). You love to pound the piano, or pound the table, or pound on me. You love to “wrestle” with your sister or attack her. Thank you for being so accepting of her glee in rolling you around, yanking your poor arms and sometimes sitting on you. Feet in your face or not, you totally love her and laugh the most with her. I will remind you of this later.

Balls and balloons are your passion and the fun of pushing a car along the floor is catching your attention. You usually go for emptying cupboards, suitcases & drawers (or climbing in them), or dangerous things like outlets and lamps and slamming fingers in doors. Of course.  I need eyes on you e v e r y  s e c o n d.





Photo cred: Miss H

I love you forever, little guy.

Oh Hello Again


I’m sure my masses of followers out there (hahaha I’m so funny) are thrilled I’ve decided to return to you!  Well really, I’m not sure how I’ve let so much time slip by, but here we are.

Ready set go, let the highlights from the last few months begin.

Baby #2 well on his way. He’s hardly gotten any media poor thing.  This is me at 23 weeks. I’m now 36 weeks and may be welcoming this sweet boy sooner than later.


More additions, though, chickens joined the family! Pretend I’m better at photography, but there are now 15 laying beauties giving us between 5-7 eggs every day (yes, we’re using a light for the winter mornings… I know, some people say don’t.)


I enjoyed my first experience at Time Out for Women with friends and family. A fabulous, totally uplifting experience I definitely hope to repeat!

Then THIS little sweetheart had a birthday!  I had a sappy, darling post all written in my head about her, the amazing joy she has been in our lives, and the sweet memories of her birth TWO whole years ago, yadda yadda. But now that’s tucked away in a journal entry somewhere to stay.  We did have a wonderful celebration. I had a fun putting together a Gingerbread theme party (for our “ginger” headed girl, teehee).




This is Hannah’s first “real” snowy winter and it has definitely been fun to watch her delight at the cold white “ice” she always tries to eat. This big hill, however, was rather scary for a timid two-year old. Smiles quickly turned to “all done.”


C’mon snow! Come back! The backyard sledding is much more agreeable.IMG_3045

Then Christmas happened! Can it really be over?  Sigh. But Christmas with a two-year old is hands-down the best! I’m sure it gets better every year.



A visit to Rangely was next in order! Despite the frigid temperatures, Hannah enjoyed some new experiences–like four wheeling. And sledding behind the four-wheeler was a big hit.  (Put an ATV on my want list, please!) Not quite as scary as big hill for some reason?


At least she can still walk bundled up like a marshmallow and be helpful getting the mail with Nana.

Ringing in the New Year, we said our good-byes to Jake again for a month of work (boo hoo) and have been trying to keep busy. 




Cutest best friend cousins help these long days stuck inside!IMG_3063



I’ve had a number of doctor appointments and pregnancy-related stuff happening that maybe I’ll feel up to blogging about later.  Thank goodness for a sweet toddler who is pretty good at self-play and fairly content to stay at home with her mother who feels like her body is 80 years old. Thank goodness for “Gama” and “Gampa” and the endless story times and horsey rides. Thank goodness for living with my parents right now. Being alone during this pregnancy would have been TOUGH. Thank goodness my husband comes home THIS week. (Army wives, I don’t know how you do it.) Thank goodness for my Sarna anti-itch lotion, modern medicine, good doctors, prayer, priesthood blessings, and family support.

July Fun


Here’s a bit lighter post fun-filled with what we’ve been up to this month. So if you happen to care, you’re in for a photo ride!


Yeah we don’t look related, but oh how I love this fair-skinned red head!



Adorably tuckered out after a fun day at Seven Peaks!


My cute paternal grandparents… fantastic examples of patriotism!


Got the wrong kind of chocolate, I think. These are the few good ones.


I slept through all the fireworks. Yipee! Happy 4th!


My big sis might curse me for posting this picture (she has a thing about head-sizes) but I had to post our cute faces AND head sizes. 🙂 


Sweet moment. Her cousins are all so good to her!


Fun at Living Planet Aquarium!



My cute parents at the lodge!




Yah, so my mom is a worry-wart and dresses me so I can hardly move.


It was a fun, crazy, a little wet trip… but Hannah couldn’t get enough dirt and cousins.


Shhh! We found the dog food. Don’t tell!


Mission impossible theme music?




Pulling a crusty face, but really enjoying this perfect spot to throw from the gooey mud!


So much fun at Airbone! Sorry they are pretty blurry!Image






Cutest buddies ever!



Enjoying Daddy while we have him for a few short weeks!


“Hug” one of her many new words that keep popping out of her cute little mouth. She loves to hug everything–including my hand wrapped in a “blankie”.