Tag Archives: valentines

Valentine’s & Pics: Big or Small?


Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! Hope it was full of love & laughter and lots of chocolate!

We had a nice casual day. I wanted to try this idea from Pinterest with little miss Hannah.  She didn’t quite get the hang of it on her own; the paper was much too fascinating than the t.p. roll… but it was a fun sensory experience overall.


So, now for picture-posting help!!!  Whenever I post pictures on here, I never know if I should leave them the full size, or half size them, or what. Opinions please! Leave it FULL size like above ^^.

Or medium-ish?


Or even smaller and sometimes in a row (of different pix of course)?


Smaller? Bigger? Somewhere in the middle? For the sake of appearance, I’d like to stay consistent. Help? Anyone?