Light It Up BLUE for Autism!



Happy April!

It is officially is Autism-Awareness month and today Hannah and wore blue to Light it Up. (Pink-polka dots are from dolly who had to be the in the picture. Hey, I tried.)  I thought about my dear friends and their awe-inspiring families…and wanted to give them all a big hug, tell them how awesome they are.  I thought about others I know and thousands I don’t know who are affected by Autism. They all carry-on through the thick-and-thin of it all, their hearts bursting with you-name-it-they’ve-probably-felt. Hurrah for you!

I can’t say that I know what it’s like (having a child with Autism) and would not dare to claim that, but I can say that I love children with Autism and want the world to know and love them, too.

So. Do you know someone with Autism? Take a minute and maybe learn about what makes them unique. And then, how you can help spread the awareness!

I’m a big advocate of the child-led approach DIR Floortime (because I believe the child is first and foremost first!) and wish everyone knew about it, whether you have a child with Autism or not.  It has helped me in my own parenting and in all other personal relationships. Really! It’s that awesome.

Here are a few of my fav. Autism links:

The Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders 

Clear Horizons Academy

Development Through Play

BellaOnline: Floortime

Autism the Musical

Dr. Temple Grandin: Thinking in Pictures


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